
Lesson Details

Lesson Detail ( For Children)

All lessons are instructed by Master Pianist Weilu with 20+ years experience:
  • Piano performance, music history, theory, technique, collaboration, simple song writing, light music therapy session and a lot more are included in lessons.

Lessons are offered weekly, 30mins, 45mins, and 1hour:

If you are worried that your children would not sit through the entire lesson, this might be a good option.


 During longer lessons, teacher will have more time to focus on the details, for example: music theory and technique. 

It is very important to have a professional piano instructor's help with technique individually. Teacher can help to correct hand position, build up finger strength without the potential injury to students hands while they practice alone. 

With more contents involved,  learning progress can move faster, music games, and fun, inspiring parts can also be added. 

Lesson Book: (2-3 books are recommended)
  1. Piano Adventure courses- lesson, technique, theoy, these 3 essential books would be recommended to use, please check this link for reference - Piano Adventure Book link. But any kinds of useful piano books that includes performane, theory, technique can be used. 
  2. Fun project - pick from for example: Performance, Classic, Disney, any Movie music, Pop, and a lot more.

Lesson Detail ( For Adult)

All lessons are instructed by Master Pianist Weilu with 20+ years experience. 

Piano performance, music history, theory, technique, collaboration, simple song writing, light music therapy session and a lot more are included in lessons

Lesson Length:

Adults are recommended to take 45mins-1hour lessons, therefore teacher will have enough time to help with not only performance pieces, but also technique and theory, collaboration such as duet, 4 hands piano pieces can also be added when requested.

Lesson Book: (2-3 books are recommended)

lessons could be weekly (👍popular picked, most efficient) , or biweekly (at a slightly higher rate, and are only offered in the mornings, early afternoons, and late evenings). 


2 or more online and in-person recitals will be scheduled every year, all exisiting students are invited, please check EVENTS section.


Lessons are offered at 30mins, 45mins, and 1 hour 

lesson length at 45mins-1hour are recommended, therefore all performance, theory, technique and more details can be included.

Please call/text, email or  leave your contact information for specific rates.

  🌟Reviews from past students and fans🌟

" When she plays the piano, the music always sounds heavenly. " Weilu was my piano teacher for about 1 year and half, I always always looked forward to getting my lesson each week. I'm not yet where I'd liked to be in playing piano but I know one day I will be able to play beautifully the way she does. She always tried her best to help me play better each lesson. Thank you for getting me where I am today, I will cotinue to take lessons and practice my piano so I can play something beautiful for her one day!                                                                                                                                             -- [CHIELA K.]

You are the best teach any students could ask for! Thanks for your patient, i feel you have really helped me come a long way in the short time we have been together. i just wanted to express to you my gratitude for all your teaching and advice you gave me throughout lessons.          --  [KARIN H.]

I took lessons from Ms.Weilu for about 8 months and found her to be very professional and especially patient... very important for old students.                                                               -- [BILL H.]

I am a beginner and never thought I could play piano, amazing teacher! 👏                    -- [HECTOR R.]

Weilu is a masterclass pianist with a great spirit and pleasant personality.                  -- [JONATHAN R.]

I have seen Weilu's concert before, such a genius! Her technique of playing piano is incredible, but more importantly is that she had great passion in music. It was an amazing experience! She is definitely a pro!                                                                                                                                      -- [CYNTHIA C.]

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